Home Remedy for Treating Dandruff & Skin Conditions using Aspirin

Aspirin is a common over-the-counter pain reliever that is used for treating fever, pain, and inflammation. However, this drug can be used for many other purposes apart from relieving pain and alleviating cold symptoms.

The aspirin contains certain ingredients that can provide you with many health, beauty, and personal benefits. Here are some surprising non-medicinal ways in which you can use aspirin.

Aspirin Treating Dandruff

The aspirin contains salicylic acid, an ingredient that is effective in reducing the formation of dandruff. In order to treat dandruff, you should crush 2-3 aspirins and mix them in your shampoo.

Massage your scalp with this mixture and let it stay for 5 minutes before rinsing it off. The application of shampoo combined with aspirin to your scalp will help you to relieve your scalp inflammation which causes dandruff and to exfoliate the flakes on your skin.

Aspirin Treating Skin Conditions

The salicylic acid in the aspirin has an ability to remove the excess oil and to exfoliate the dead cells on the skin’s surface.

The aspirin can unclog pores, relieve swelling and itching, and decrease lesions and redness on your skin, which makes it highly beneficial for treating various skin conditions, including acne, rosacea, and psoriasis.

Add 5 crushed pills to a quarter cup of water. Optionally, you may also add a teaspoon of honey to the water. Apply this mixture onto your skin and let it stay for 10 minutes.