A Flea Bites: Treatments and Symptoms

flea bite with vet

Flea bites will go away on their own. But in order to stop the flea bites, you need to stop the fleas. Your pet and your home will need to be treated with pesticides to kill the fleas.


Flea Bite Bites?

Their bites are very itchy and sometimes were painful, and it is hard to get rid of them. They can reproduce very fast, especially if you have pets in the household. A professional pest control treatment can may be required. But even if you don’t have any pets, your yard can potentially play host to fleas, and you will end up with a full of mysterious bites.

What Are Fleas? 

Fleas are tiny bugs. They don’t grow much larger than the tip of a pen, and they can be range from light brown to almost black in color. They get jumping and jumping from place to another places, as they don’t have wings. They’re also almost impossible to get rid of without a pesticide treatment. Their flat and thin bodies with a hard shells mean you often need to squeeze them between finger nails or two hard surfaces to kill them.

read more about A Flea Bite: Treatments and Symptoms

Symptoms of a Flea Bite?


Flea bites exhibit several common symptoms. Their bites are very itchy, and skin around each bite may become sore or very painful. You will experience hives or develop a rash near the site of a bite and an excessive itching can lead to an infection.

read more about Flea Bites: A red halo on a flea bite

What Do Flea Bites Look Like?

flea bite

Flea bites are pretty unique. They are very small, unlike mosquito bites. When a flea bites, you may experience one or more of the following visible signs:

♦  bites that appear as small, red bumps
♦  a red “halo” around the bite center
♦  bites in groups of three or four
♦  bites that appear around the ankles or legs (their most likely location)

Flea bites are also common around the breasts, armpits, groin, waist, or in the folds of the elbows and knees.

How Will I Know if i Have Fleas in My House?


If you have a four-legged furry animal in your home, you will probably where fleas can be found. Fleas prefer to live on your dog or cat and they can also take up residence on another animal. If the population grows, fleas can branch out and begin spreading and living in bedding, carpets, or your yard. A flea infestation is highly recommended.

read more about Flea Bites: Symptoms, Pictures, Treatments and Prevention

Can Flea Bites Cause Other related Problems?

flea bite with vet

For humans, the risk of contracting another disease from the flea is very small. flea bites are very itchy. The more you scratch the more you are to open your skin and cause a secondary infection. Avoid scratching, and monitor your bite areas for signs of an infection.

How Flea Bites can be Treated?


Flea bites will go away on their own. But in order to stop the flea bites, you need to stop the fleas. Your pet and your home will need to be treated with pesticides to kill the fleas. A professional pest control should administer these kind of treatments. Most cases, you will need to leave your home for several hours after the treatment is applied.

Relieve the symptoms of flea bites with over-the-counter anti-itch creams and antihistamine. And avoid scratching the area. If you can notice signs of an infection at the bite area, like a white pocket or rash, immediately make an appointment to see your doctor.

Get Rid of Fleas!


The best way to identify a possible flea bite is to find out if you have a flea problem. Check your pet and look for flea bites on the skin. If they will always scratching, this may be a sign they got fleas. If your pet has fleas, you need to get them and your house treated. Go to the vet, and then have your home treated professionally by a pest control expert. That’s the time you control your flea bites and prevent further itchy and scratchy bumps.